Liberty 2.0: Not Quite Gingerbread – But Very Sweet

The Android Gingerbread SDK has been out for many weeks.  And we are just starting to see some custom ROM’s starting to show up.  In fact, there was quite a bit of buzz about a “leak” of Verizon’s Droid 2 Gingerbread build. I was sorely tempted to dive right into this one.
But I chose to wait.  I bypassed the fancy bauble that might have fascinated me for a moment.  Instead, I decided to support @kejar and @jrummy by installing their latest build of the Liberty ROM. And I am so glad that I did.  This new version of their ROM is wonderful.   It is clean and fast.  And it has all of the stability that you can expect from a Froyo-based build.  And since it is based on the most common Android platform, all of the apps that I depend upon are fully supported on the build.  Better still, I am comfortable because all of the newest apps are still within my reach – including the latest Amazon Cloud Drive player.
So what does Liberty 2.0 bring to the table?  For me, the big ticket items are as follows:

  • Busybox 1.17.2
  • Sysctl enabled by default
  • Cron scheduler enabled
  • Some amazing updates to the Liberty Toolbox
  • Tons of themes, tons of fixes, and a couple key Blur features

Do these changes give me all that I want?  Of course not.  I want Gingerbread.  Give me some of that sweetness.  Of course, once I have that, I want some Honeycomb as well.  But for now, I have Liberty – and I am thrilled.  This version is more stable.  This version looks sharper (mostly due to wider theme support).  And this version runs everything I have.  I can wait a little longer for Moto, Verizon and the Liberty team to give me Libertybread.
P.S. As you may be able to tell, I’m using the EpicBlue Theme. It really rocks!
P.P.S. I went ahead and purchased the *Donate* version of the Liberty Toolbox (from the Amazon Market). You should too!

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