With the release of Firefox 1.5 Beta 1, native browser support of SVG is in the hands of a much larger community. This will be immensely important for the growth of scalable graphics on the web. And it’s just plain cool!
Given the fumdamental importance of SVG, I thought I’d look around and find a good example. Well, there are lots. But one of the most interesting appications is using SVG in Google Maps. Jibbering discusses his efforts to link SVG and Google Maps. As of now, Google Maps supports VML in IE. It will take some changes on Google’s part before SVG can be used in browsers like Firefox 1.5. But while SVG support (in Google Maps) is still pending, some industrious chaps have put together an example. If you have Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 (or any of the Deer Park builds), then take a look at the Exmouth-Seaton Cyle map. This map uses SVG to overlay a cycling route map onto a Google Maps instance. Further, SVG is used to display the elevation map that is shown when you view the route. Very cool indeed.
BTW, I’ve always wanted to visit the southern coast of England. Now I have a cycling route to follow once I’m there.