A few months ago, I wrote an article about mobile privacy. In that article, I wrote about how every “off-the-shelf” mobile platform MUST be modified in order to ensure some modicum of privacy. I expanded upon this thought when I recently presented to the Fox Valley Computer Professionals. [A version of that presentation can be found over at SlideShare.] One of the most important themes from the presentation actually arose during the obligatory Q&A session. [By the way, the Q&A time is always the most important part of any presentation.] From this Q&A time, I realized that the single most important takeaway was the necessity of maintaining technology currency.
From a security perspective, it is essential to remain current on all elements of your infrastructure. One of the most exploited vectors in any organization is the rampant inattention to software maintenance. It only takes one zero-day exploit to compromise a meticulously maintained system. And for those organizations that do not remain current on their software, they are opening up their systems (and their customers) to external exploitation. A decade ago, PC World highlighted the risks of operating with un-patched systems. While the numbers may have changed since that article, the fundamental lesson is still the same: technology currency is one of the most under-recognized means of hardening your systems.
The Human Factor
But technology currency is not just a matter of ensuring the continuing usability of our technology investments. It is also an important matter for ensuring the sustaining value of the people within our teams. I have been involved in IT for several decades. In that time, I’ve seen many waves of change. In that time, I’ve seen mainframes became Unix Systems. Windows desktops became Windows servers. All applications servers (regardless of their OS) became web servers. And now these same “n-tier” servers have become virtual systems that are now running on “cloud” platforms.
But with each wave of technology that emerged, crested, and then subsided, you will probably find a whole group of technology specialists who are now displaced. Fortunately, most technologists are flexible. So if they didn’t stay working on legacy systems, then they have willingly (or unwillingly) embraced the next technology wave.
Redrawing the Boundaries of Trust
Like many technologists, I have been forced into career acrobatics with each new wave of technology. And I have complicated these transitions by switching between a variety of IT disciplines (e.g., application development, information security, capacity and performance management, configuration and change management, and IT operations). So it was not a surprise when I realized that information privacy changes were driving similar changes – for the industry and for myself.
For almost two decades, I’ve been telling people that they needed to shift to hosted (cloud) platforms. Of course, this shift meant entering into trust relationships with external service providers. But for the last four or five years, my recommendations have begun to change. I still advocate using managed service platforms. But when privacy and competitive advantages are at stake, it may be necessary to redraw the trust boundaries.
A decade ago, everyone trusted Google and Facebook to be good partners. Today, we view both of them (and many others) as self-interested members of an overly complex supply chain. So today, I am recommending that every company (and even most individuals) revisit the trust boundaries that they have with every part of their supply chain.
Moving Personal Fences
We have decided to redraw trust boundaries in dramatic ways. First, we have decided to forego the advantages of partnering with both Facebook and Google. This was simple when it came to Facebook. Yes, not being on Facebook is hard. But it is eminently achievable. To that end, I am celebrating my one year divorce from Mark & Co. But redrawing the boundaries with Google have been much harder.
Getting rid of Google has meant moving to new email services. [Note: This also meant abandoning builtin contact address books and calendaring. It has also meant discontinuing the use of Google Apps. And from a personal level, it has meant some dramatic changes for my mobile computing platform.
Bottom Line: Moving off of the Google cloud has required the construction of an an entirely new cloud platform to replace the capabilities of Google Drive/Cloud.
Nextcloud Replaces Google Cloud
We needed a platform to provide the following functions:
- Accessible and extensible cloud storage for both local and remote/mobile users.
- An integrated Contact database.
- An integrated Calendar database.
- An integrated Task database.
- A means of supporting WebDAV and CalDAV to access the aforementioned items.
Of course, there is also a whole group of “nice-to-have” features, including:
- Phone/location tracking,
- Mobile document scanning (and OCR),
- Two-factor authentication
After considerable review, we decided to use Nextcloud. It provided all of the mandatory features that we required as well as all of the “nice-to-have” features. We further decided to minimize our security exposure by running this service from within a VPS running onsite (though offsite would have worked as well).
It took several days to secure the hardware, setup the virtual infrastructure, install Nextcloud, and configure it for local and mobile access. Currently, we’re using a Nextcloud virtual “appliance” as the base for our office cloud. From this foundation, we extended the basic appliance to meet capacity and security needs. We also installed ONLY OFFICE as an alternative to both local and cloud-based Microsoft Office products.
At this very moment, we are now decoupling our phones and our systems from the Google cloud infrastructure. And as noted before, we’ve already changed our DNS infrastructure from ISP/Google to our own systems. So we are well on our way to minimize the threat surface associated with Google services.
Of course, there is more work to do. We need to further ruggedize our services to ensure higher availability. But our dependence upon Google has been drastically reduced. And the data that Google collects from us is also reduced. Now we just have to get rid of all of the data that Google has collected from us over the past fifteen (15) years.