Bits of code and interesting tidbits…
1. The official Firefox 1.0.4 release is now available. It can be downloaded here. The MoFo team rocks. When confronted with the security challenge, they accepted responsibility for code errors. They had a patch in test within 48 hours and the final bits were QA tested for quite a while. This proves one thing. The open source model doesn’t create perfect code. But it does address code errors more directly and efficiently!
2. I have previously noted that Greasemonkey is a very cool tool. It puts browser and content control more fully into the user’s hands. Well, folks are taking this one step further. Asa Dotzler is now talking about a tool called Platypus. In Asa’s words,

I can remove, hide, and move elements around on a page. I can insert arbitrary HTML. I can change style rules. I can modify URLs on a page. Then I can save all those changes as a greasemonkey script that will run when next I load the page restoring it to my “improved” state.

This is truly cool. I’ve downloaded the tool and will report results as they emerge.
