Blogging, Journalism and Credibility

Rebecca MacKinnon (Berkman Center, Havard Law School) has just released the final notes from the January conference on Blogging, Journalism and Credibility. The discussion is well worth the few hours it will take to read, digest and reflect upon the content. The final conclusion of the conference was hightlighted as follows:

Strengthening the public discourse, and strengthening democracy, is indeed the common ground shared by professional journalists, bloggers, wikipedians and others involved in the creation of grassroots media.

The conference established two important things: 1) that this common ground does indeed exist, and 2) that all are eager to work together. The goal is to create a better society and better means of giving citizens both the information they need and the forums of discourse required to hold their leaders truly accountable. Now we need to figure out how to achieve that goal. This conference has helped point us in the right direction, but the journey has only just begun.

For dedicated bloggers, this conference provides a framework for considering our blogs in a much more socially aware context. Spend the time to read the conference PDF!


Fair Use and Judicial Estoppel

The arguments presented to the Supreme Court (in MGM v. Grokster) are quite fascinating. While there was a great deal of expected posturing and blustering, there were some very interesting assertions made by the MGM attorneys. Tim Armstrong took the time to document the goings on in his blog.
In yesterday’s entry, Tim noted several key points.

  1. Many of the justices seemed tremendously concerned about an inventor’s right to create apart from the downstream (or unintended) consequences of such invetions. Armstrong wrote:

    At least some of the Justices, Scalia in particular, seemed troubled by how an inventor would know, at the time of inventing, how its invention might be marketed in the future.

  2. When confronted with this line of questioning, the MGM attorneys admitted something that they may not have intended:

    They said that at the time the iPod was invented, it was clear that there were many perfectly lawful uses for it, such as ripping one’s own CD and storing it in the iPod. This was a very interesting point for them to make, not least because I would wager that there are a substantial number of people on MGM’s side of the case who don’t think that example is one bit legal. But they’ve now conceded the contrary in open court, so if they actually win this case they’ll be barred from challenging “ripping” in the future under the doctrine of judicial estoppel.

  3. There was a great deal of discussion about “substantial non-infringing use” as described in Sony. I can’t wait to see the transcripts. I would really like to know how Grokster could make such a claim while the “marketing” of Grokster slyly implied infringing uses. This will be an interesting point to see how the Justices separate. I almost expect a separate concurring or dissenting opinion from Ginsberg on this one.

I am glad to hear that the justices were eager to consider fair use claims of consumers. I am surprised and heartened to hear that the justices are not eager to hold inventors liable for the actions of consumers that utilize their inventions. After all, would we hold “Smith & Wesson” guilty for a murder in a dark alley? Of course we wouldn’t. Nor should we hold Louisville Slugger culpable for the man that bludgeons his neighbor with a bat. So the court will have to wrangle through whether the “principal” (or intended) use of the product was to promote illegal activity. Barring such a finding, I doubt the court can hold Grokster developers as liable.
So what will the outcome be? Folks, I don’t have a clue. I am not a fortune-teller. And I really don’t know whether this court will simply wish to amend Sony or craft something far more expansive. Nevertheless, I’ll bet on marginal tweaks to Sony with no major “sea change” in sight.

I'm In the Sandbox – Darn It!

After launching this blog a couple of months ago, I started to notice that I was plumetting down the rankings scale. Apart from the ego hit I took, I wanted to find out why. So after a little research, I think I may be the victim of the Google “sandbox effect.” So it’s time to start the process of actively increasing my outbound (and inbound) links as well as increasing my tagging efforts.
For those not familiar with the problem, there is rampant speculation (for over a year) that Google “adjusts” search results to favor those sites who provide potential revenue. Hence, many site developers recommend that neo-bloggers (on Blogger especially) should select AdSense. I will actively avoid that. But if you can increase the inbound link references, please do so. The situation has gotten a little better since Scoble linked to me a couple of times. But that effect won’t last – especially if I don’t keep his attention. 😉

I’m In the Sandbox – Darn It!

After launching this blog a couple of months ago, I started to notice that I was plumetting down the rankings scale. Apart from the ego hit I took, I wanted to find out why. So after a little research, I think I may be the victim of the Google “sandbox effect.” So it’s time to start the process of actively increasing my outbound (and inbound) links as well as increasing my tagging efforts.

For those not familiar with the problem, there is rampant speculation (for over a year) that Google “adjusts” search results to favor those sites who provide potential revenue. Hence, many site developers recommend that neo-bloggers (on Blogger especially) should select AdSense. I will actively avoid that. But if you can increase the inbound link references, please do so. The situation has gotten a little better since Scoble linked to me a couple of times. But that effect won’t last – especially if I don’t keep his attention. 😉


“To Stop Hillary, Draft Condi”

Dick Morris is a very interesting chap. He is a political maven with chameleon-like capabilities. He worked dutifully for President Bill Clinton. In the latter stages of Clinton’s Presidency, Mr. Morris had a very visible “falling out” with the then first family – especially Mrs. Clinton. While he was never warm to the possiblity of a Gore Presidency, he was still considered a pundit for the Democratic Party.

But during the last election, that all changed. He worked alongside Sean Hannity as a complicit “former Democrat” tacitly favoring (wink-wink, nod-nod) President Bush. And now he is “proposing” Condi for President. I guess his days as a Democratic pundit are complete.

Nevertheless, he raises some very interesting points. He notes the obvious potential that Ms. Rice carries as a candidate for President. He points out the transforming potential of such a candidacy. Will the Republicans consider such a tactic? Would Ms. Rice even be interested? Who knows.

But it is impressive to consider that the first Secretary of State (Thomas Jefferson) also became the President of the United States. And what an irony it would be to see Ms. Rice continue that Jeffersonian tradition. Thomas Jefferson labored to see his Declaration of Independence include freedom for all persons in the nation. Wouldn’t it be a fitting tribute to President Jefferson to see the last remaining vestiges of antiquated cultural prejudice swept aside?

I do not know enough about Ms. Rice (or her political positions on key issues) to state whether or not I would join such a draft movement. But to even consider it speaks to how far this nation has progressed. May Mr. Morris’ thoughts be a calling to the spirits of all Americans. There is nothing that can prevent an American from achieving historic and amazing things. Let’s pray that this simple message can be shared by each and every American.


"To Stop Hillary, Draft Condi"

Dick Morris is a very interesting chap. He is a political maven with chameleon-like capabilities. He worked dutifully for President Bill Clinton. In the latter stages of Clinton’s Presidency, Mr. Morris had a very visible “falling out” with the then first family – especially Mrs. Clinton. While he was never warm to the possiblity of a Gore Presidency, he was still considered a pundit for the Democratic Party.

But during the last election, that all changed. He worked alongside Sean Hannity as a complicit “former Democrat” tacitly favoring (wink-wink, nod-nod) President Bush. And now he is “proposing” Condi for President. I guess his days as a Democratic pundit are complete.

Nevertheless, he raises some very interesting points. He notes the obvious potential that Ms. Rice carries as a candidate for President. He points out the transforming potential of such a candidacy. Will the Republicans consider such a tactic? Would Ms. Rice even be interested? Who knows.

But it is impressive to consider that the first Secretary of State (Thomas Jefferson) also became the President of the United States. And what an irony it would be to see Ms. Rice continue that Jeffersonian tradition. Thomas Jefferson labored to see his Declaration of Independence include freedom for all persons in the nation. Wouldn’t it be a fitting tribute to President Jefferson to see the last remaining vestiges of antiquated cultural prejudice swept aside?

I do not know enough about Ms. Rice (or her political positions on key issues) to state whether or not I would join such a draft movement. But to even consider it speaks to how far this nation has progressed. May Mr. Morris’ thoughts be a calling to the spirits of all Americans. There is nothing that can prevent an American from achieving historic and amazing things. Let’s pray that this simple message can be shared by each and every American.


So Why Now, and Why the Name?

My name is Lorin Olsen and I’m a middle-aged father of four, husband of one and child of the One. I have worked and played on computers since I was a teenager in the mid-70’s. Since that time, I have learned a lot – about computers, about people and about God. And one of the most important things that I have learned from being a child and a parent is that you must share your experiences with your mate, with your children and with your friends. If you don’t share what you have learned, then no one can buld upon what value you have brought into the world. This is true of computing, parenting and being.
So this is my inaugural post. As the title indicates, I intend this blog to be a compendium of ruminations and (hopefully) thoughtful meanderings. I expect to travel many subjects.
– In the computing domain, my interests are consumed with community-based computing (i.e., open source), systems management, computer performance measurement and systems security / privacy.
– On a personal level, I spend most of my time watching and learning from my children. I have four kids – each with a wealth of gifts as well as challenges. My eldest daughter is a college student at Central Missouri State University. My second daughter is an aspiring (and inspring) basketball player for her high school (Shawnee Mission South in Overland Park, Kansas). My third daughter is a scholar and a musician. And my youngest son is an all-around good fellow with a heart for service and a penchant for soccer.
– On a political level, I am a socially conservative Republican who believes in what the Founders wrote. There is a great marketplace of ideas. And we are invited (nay, commanded) to speak our minds in that marketplace. While the din form such a marketplace can be deafening, it is always thrilling!
– And in many ways, the most important part of me is the spiritual legacy that I will carry with me from this temporal realm into the eternal realm. I am a loud and proud follower of Jesus Chirist. He is the author and finisher of all things. As King of Kings, he set aside His eternal glory and died – in order to redeem me from my own sins and transgressions. Because of His generosity, I have the right to share His love with other people. And my heart has always been drawn to those who have sought God but have been distracted. At some point, I will share my complete testimony. But for now, know that my journey to Jesus brought me through many meandering streams of conciousness. So my heart yearns to reach those who have stumbled down the paths that I have walked.
And finally, someone will ask why I use ‘Roo-minations as a title for this blog. That is a long and complicated story. But here is the short version. Two-and-a-half years ago, I collapsed in an eye doctor’s office. My heart went into ventricular fibrilation – a serious, and deadly, heart rythm. Fortunately, a trained staff kept me alive with CPR until I could be transported to a hospital. As a precaution against this happening again, I received an implantable cardioverter/defibrilator (ICD). This device is deisgned to deliver an electrical charge if/when my heart rythms become abnormal. But such jolts are alarming and jarring. Indeed, folks who have been jolted by an ICD “jump” – noticably. Among those with ICD’s, we are known as “electric kanagaroos.” So as a “‘lectric ‘roo,” my idle musings must be called roo-minations.
So much for the pleasantries of a blog launch. I hope that I can keep this current as well as relevant.
Ciao, for now.